FYI [RE-wrenches]
R. Sparks Scott
sharkey at
Fri Feb 9 16:38:43 PST 2001
>MS gave me the box "Warning: An
>ActiveX control is not safe on this page
Here we go again with the virus scares, I'm dealing with the same subject
on another list right now too.
Most likely, your Outlook Express security settings are set rather tight,
and something in the formatted HTML on that particular message didn't sit
right with the program, so it reverted to ASCII (unformatted plain text).
Unless you think that you are missing something in your other messages, I'd
leave it alone.
This calls back to Michael's recent (and not so recent) reminders that
formatted (HTML and other fancy layout) text is considered an extravagence
in e-mail messages. Being able to have colored text, fonts, italics, and
large text sizes are dandy in web pages, but they lend very little (and can
add much confusion) to rapid-paced mailing list traffic. File sizes also
increase dramatically when using formatted text.
I went back through the recent messages, and I didn't see any attachments
on any of the messages with the indicated subject line. Could be that a
hitch-hiker virus got attached to that one message??
I'm still of the opinion that attachments should be disallowed on this
list, but since I'm not the moderator, we'll all have to watch for nasties
hanging on our mail...
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