SW4024 switching issue [RE-wrenches]
info at backwoodssolar.com
info at backwoodssolar.com
Thu Feb 8 11:31:54 PST 2001
I think the SW transfer speed is marginal for computer use, depending on
loads on the inverter at the time. Our office of 3 computers runs off one
inverter, the rest of the house off another. NOT stacked, as that is asking
for added problems unless absolutely required. In fact, one is SW, the
other is ProSine.
I installed the ProSine to get the added battery charging amps, otherwise a
smaller unit could have run the computers. But with ProSine running the
office, the computers crashed each time generator was cut off, even using
the disconnect breaker manually prior to stopping the engine. I reversed so
the SW has computers and the ProSine the house. Rarely an interruption to
computers now, never when controlling from the inverter panel. Also the
manual generator breaker cut off method as well as the kill switch for the
engine usually get away without computer glitches too... UNLESS there is a
large load on the same inverter like photocopy at the same time. In that
case the larger load depletes whatever stored power is spanning the gap in
source power, and at least two computers will dump. I solved it by just
moving the photocopy to the other inverter.
Steve Willey, Backwoods Solar Electric Systems www.backwoodssolar.com
----- Original Message -----
From: William Miller <wrmiller at slonet.org>
To: <RE-wrenches at topica.com>
Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2001 11:09 AM
Subject: Re: SW4024 switching issue [RE-wrenches]
> Pals:
> At 09:15 AM 2/7/01 -0800, you wrote:
> >Kurt:
> >
> >Transfer &
> >genny shutoff occur simulateously on every inverter I've installed w/
> >Conclusion: vaporware. Maybe it's in 4.1. - but I'm probably dreaming.
> >Kirk
> >
> It has been my consistent experience that an SW inverter (V4.01)
> controlling a generator, when in automatic mode will transfer away from
> generator some time prior to stopping the generator (40 seconds sounds
> about right). Now, if you have two inverters stacked, the second inverter
> does not act this way. The inverter not controlling the generator does
> know the generator is about ready to be stopped so it does not transfer
> prior to generator stop. Watch the green AC2 in LEDs while this cycle is
> happening and you will see the SW controlling the generator will begin to
> flash after the load is transferred away from the generator while the LED
> on the other SW remains solid. The flashing indicates the generator is in
> cool down. Could it be that the appliances that are resetting are powered
> by the non-generator-controlling inverter?
> The Trace manual claims the SW inverters (and I believe DR series, for
> matter) can transfer power quickly enough to be classified as UPS units.
> This is complete Hogwash. Anyone can see the lights flicker during
> transfer and during load level changes. A small inverter system such as
> these does not have the inertia required to maintain proper voltage
> regulation for running micro-processor based appliances. I tell all of my
> clients that having a battery powered inverter system does not mean you
> don't need a UPS, it just means you need a smaller one (less batteries for
> less required backup time).
- - - - - - -
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