A wrenches convention [RE-wrenches]

Jim Hartley grail at inil.com
Tue Feb 6 11:17:42 PST 2001

Michael Welch, Home Power wrote:
> Windy Dankoff, Dankoff Solar wrote at 02:13 PM 2/5/2001 -0800:
> >I disagree. This is the role of distributors. We (Dankoff and others 
> >distribs) already provide that function, at a low markup, and with 
> >value-added services like warehousing, consolidated shipments, and other 
> >forms of support.
> >
> >Who would administer the buying collective? How would they get 
> >compensated for the significant effort involved? By taking a little 
> >percentage? Ahaaa !  By being a distributor!
> Oops, it looks like I stepped on some turf here. 
> Michael Welch

But your intentions were noble.  The problem is that distributors and 
manfacturers many times have mutually protective contractual business 
arrangements.  Busting up such things could be difficult.  Such efforts 
would be fraught with all sorts of unpleasant legal consequences I 

Jim Hartley
Business Email: JamesHartley at homestead-specialties.com
Direct Email: grail at inil.com

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