More Wish List [RE-wrenches]
carl reuter
creuter at
Fri Jan 5 00:31:56 PST 2001
One of the changes Id really like to see In the SWs is
the option of getting a bigger transfer switch built
in. That 60 amp switch feels obsolete to me when so
many houses are 100 amp service.
The idea of a reasonable list of small tweeks to the
Trace inverters we use could be our biggest chance for
change. Even if they hit a portion of what we ask for
, we're seeing progress, thats if Ezra can do what
some of us consider to be out of character for Trace
,mainly taking any action at all. I for one would love
to see something more than a list just to Trace but a
model that we create , a description of the ideal
inverter that we submit to every inverter company that
we can find and as a group query these companies to
see if there is the possibility of its creation and
the opening of a possible repoire with one or more of
these companies in which they can count on our members
to field test and give positive criticism towards
creating a UL listed ,versatile,efficient,
multi-function sine wave inverter. It wouldnt be hard
to put together the company contact list and
volunteers could commit to picking a company and
pursuing it to the point of talking to their design
people and discussing what we'd like to see built. I
think that Michael started the idea, Id like to help
get it going and would be glad to put in some phone
time to some engineers if we worked up a picture for
them. Carl Reuter
Land and Sea Solar, email: creuter at Phone:1-310-283-9768
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