Sw workaround [RE-wrenches]

Kurt Nelson, SunWise sunwise at win.bright.net
Mon Jan 1 21:39:45 PST 2001

Chuck Heath, SunPower wrote:
  Available space for battery, modules and even BOS components is
usually very limited, so 24 VDC doesn't make sense (2x the battery
space, 2x the module area).

Hello Chuck,

I've made it clear that I think 12VDC systems have their place (I'm with
you on this).  But I'm not sure I can agree about 24VDC systems taking
up more space in terms of PV's,, battery, or BOS.  Watts produced, Watt
hours stored, as well as Watts consumed should stay the same.  There's
also an argument that the efficiency of the system components are better
at higher voltages.  I am with you on the demand and applications and
think 12VDC may be the most stable voltage out there in the long haul. 
Kurt Nelson

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