LED volt meter [RE-wrenches]
John Raynes
john at raynes.com
Wed Oct 10 08:20:09 PDT 2001
I'd second Allan's comments. The battery capacity meters from ETA are
probably the best deal you're going to find if you're trying to shave some
bucks off the cost of a Tri-met or E-Meter. I have a lot of experience
with the "low-cost" general purpose digital panel meters, and most of them
have +5V or +9V power inputs - they're intended to be designed into an
instrument, not for use as a system-level component. By the time you get
to process meters with 12-48 VDC power and signal inputs, self-contained in
a protective case, you're up in the price range of the standard RE
monitoring instruments which do quite a bit more. At least that's what
I've found in my travels.
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