2nd E-Meter ALERT! [RE-wrenches]
Bob-O Schultze, Electron Connection
econnect at snowcrest.net
Thu Sep 27 09:38:37 PDT 2001
If you have an E-meter or Link 10 with a date code of 08/01 or 09/01,
do NOT install it in a 24v or higher system. The probably is high
that it will fail immediately. Call Xantrex and get an RMA.
The problem is a low input resistor value that was mistakenly
installed in those machines.
Xantrex will be issuing a tech bulletin and there was SUPPOSED to be
a posting about the problem to this list as well, but where the hell
is it?
The original mistake I can forgive. We all make mistakes. The delay
in notification because there is no internal vehicle for this sort of
information to be passed between Xantrex "cells" is a failing that
Xantrex needs to address NOW.
But once having knowledge of the problem and delaying notification to
dealers is unsupportable.
Apparently they don't care whether some of you incur an extra service
call or two while their spin doctors massage the data into something
they feel is postable.
- - - -
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