UniSolar Shingles [RE-wrenches]
Jerry Caldwell
solarcowboy at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 20 21:00:29 PDT 2001
I recently heard that the UniSolar shingle product was
discontinued and no longer available. Anyone else
know anything about this?
Jerry Caldwell
Light Energy Systems
--- Jim Hartley <grail at inil.com> wrote:
> I have no prior experience with this product but I
> have a probable
> client who has an interest in using the product.
> These shingles would
> be applied onto a converted barn used both as living
> space and for the
> client's business operations. The current roof is
> shingled but is now
> leaking in areas. Re-roofing seems necessary at
> this point. The barn
> is quite large and has far more roof surface than
> would be necessarily
> "power producing" or economically feasible in its
> entirety. Hence, only
> a portion of the roof would end up being re-surfaced
> with solar
> shingling. Happily, the roof has two very workable
> primary facets, the
> lower of which is an ideal seasonal average pitch
> for this area. The
> roof is facing directly south across a quite large
> open farmfield
> protected from development for the next hundred
> years. The upper, lower
> pitched facet would be better for summer. The
> underside of the roof is
> presently fully exposed and readily accessible if
> somewhat high up from
> the current loft floor. This loft area is being
> considered for future
> finishing off. My question in this connection is
> multi-fold for anyone
> with experience using this product. First, can you
> go over existing
> shingled surfaces or are we looking at removing
> what's there now and
> starting from scratch? My thinking is the latter
> would be the case.
> The roof substrate is barnboard [planking], not
> conventional roof
> decking. Secondly, can you successfully mix and
> match real shingles and
> these UniSolar shingles so that just a particular
> area of the new
> surfacing is occupied by the solar shingles?
> Thirdly, who really should
> be doing the application? In Illinois,
> roofing/re-roofing is only
> supposed to be done [officially] by licensed roofing
> contractors. Since
> I have done roofing myself before I know this isn't
> always the case [I'm
> not a licensed roofer] but this situation will
> certainly draw some
> attention from the local code people. Assuming this
> is the approach one
> must pursue, how have roofers responded to using
> this product so far if
> anyone has faced this issue before? Finally, what
> unknowns might we run
> into here? I should note also this client has a
> very nice wind location
> and the overall project [should it prove financially
> workable] could
> prove to be something of a showcase thing since the
> client is fully open
> to public visitations. For this reason it would be
> quite nice to have
> everything work out well. :-)
> Jim Hartley
> http://www.homestead-specialties.com
> Business Email:
> JamesHartley at homestead-specialties.com
> Direct Email: grail at inil.com
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