Downloading by Cell Phone - fast internet connection at remote locations [
Allan Sindelar, Positive Energy, Inc.
allan at
Tue Feb 27 21:32:19 PST 2001
As wrenches, we're called on to advise on all aspects of remote living.
I'm supposed to be a hydrologist, climatologist, electrician, plumber,
carpenter, marriage counselor, philosopher, ad nauseum. A succinct,
informative posting about satellite uplink web access is just as relevant to
me as a posting on appliance efficiency. I can think of three clients in my
neighborhood who can use this info. Let's not be too hasty here.
Allan at +E
> >I saw in your recent post that you download by cell phone.
> Yes, it is off topic. Please keep this kind of thing outside of this list.
> Michael Welch
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