efficient reefers [RE-wrenches]
Todd Cory, Bald Mt. Solar
toddcory at jps.net
Sun Feb 11 12:19:07 PST 2001
Yes, I have done this... I replaced the timer with a manual on/off switch...
which I ran occasionally as necessary. Our summertime humidities are very low
so having the unit blindly defrost when unneeded seemed wasteful and
unnecessary. No data on savings, but I would assume it was substantial.
Now I have a Sunfrost (RF-12), and even though it does not automatically
defrost, the ice build up (about 1/4") is very minimal and easily cleared off
the freezers slick plastic inner surface once a year with a wooden scraper.
Takes about 5 minutes. This experience causes me to not quite understand what
the big deal is about manually defrosting a freezer.
I am also interested in real world measurements of the Sunfrost units. I added
2" of rigid foam to the unit's rear and I" to one unseen side against the wall,
so my unit probably performs slightly better than the standard unit. I also put
ours on a timer to shut it off for the 8 hours while we are sleeping... mainly
for the total night time silence, but this probably reduces the energy load
somewhat as well. It seems to hold the temperature over night with no problems.
Someone want to loan me a brand meter for a week so I can test our unit?
(contact me off list) I recall consumers reports testing a Sunfrost a few years
back and claiming it did not perform as advertised... but then others have
disputed those findings too.
William Miller wrote:
> Pals:
> Has anyone successfully disabled the automatic defrost circuitry on a
> refrigerator/freezer?
> William Miller
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