Battery less Inverters [RE-wrenches]

sunwise at sunwise at
Mon Feb 5 18:15:27 PST 2001

> Travis Creswell, Ozark Solar wrote:

Recent posts (can I say all of the posts) on the Sun Tie from people who
have actually installed them is that they aren't working.  What other
brands are available in the US today?  Omnion?  AES?

Hi all,

Anyone out there have much experience with Trace's Micro-sine
inverters?  If Federal tax credits come back, they may make some sense. 
On Friday, legislation for energy efficiency and renewable energy
systems for home owners and businesses was introduced as Senate Bill
(S.207).  If passed, this would give tax credits equal to $4.50/peak
watt for grid-tied residential PV's.  -- Kurt Nelson

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