Leads [RE-wrenches]

Michael Welch, Home Power michael.welch at homepower.com
Fri Feb 2 08:46:03 PST 2001

R. Sparks Scott wrote at 09:24 PM 02/01/2001 -0800:
>A great idea, Ian. I've instituted this change in my mail client, so if
>anyone wants to make sure that I don't see their mail, just insert the word
>"lead" in the subject line. I alway knew those filters were good for

Watch out, it will also filter out the subject lead-acid battery.
Michael Welch
"Society is like a stew. If you don't keep it stirred up, you get a lot of scum on top."

			Edward Abbey
Michael Welch, michael.welch at homepower.com www.homepower.com
      Associate Editor, Home Power magazine
      Office Coordinator, Redwood Alliance
      (Not HP mag's #s) 707-822-7884 fax: 707-822-3481

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