Solar Bozo = NO! :-( [RE-wrenches]

R. Sparks Scott sharkey at
Sun Jan 21 19:25:57 PST 2001

	I probably post here way more often that I have a right to, but what's the
sense of having opinions unless you have someone to inflict them upon?
	Any of you not interested in a sermon, press the delete button now, but
please come back into the Sanctuary before the collection plate makes it's


	"Bozo" may be a term on endearment to some on this list and my views may
not match the majority, or even have a popular following, but here's my take:

	I would no more call any of you a "Bozo" than I would call you a "creep",
"weirdo", "gimp", or "retard". I personally don't find self-deprecating
labels to be particularly endearing. In my line of work, which includes
broadcast engineering, electronic design and repair,  computer and network
administration and services, I am frequently referred to as a "geek" or
"nerd", neither of which I find endearing, either. I usually let the client
know this in polite but firm language. My doctor wouldn't want to be called
"Quack", my lawyer "Shyster", or my accountant "Bean-Counter". We all all
professionals who have a lot of time and life-lessons invested in our
vocations, and expect to be addressed respectfully.
	Labels are something that people use to separate us from others who they
consider to be more 'like' themselves. These labels have been used probably
as long as there has been language. In many periods of history, they have
been used to vilify the enemy (Ronald Reagan"s "Evil Empire"), define
social boundaries ("Mods and Rockers", "Hippies and Rednecks", "Montagues
and Capulets"), bolster religious convictions ("Israelis and
Palestinians"), and most recently divide political groups ("Naderites and
Gorebots"). Of course, we are all familiar with the various ethnic lines
that can be drawn by using a few choice slurs (I won't get into that, fill
in your own).
	The point of this is that each of us should consider ourselves and each
other in the best possible terms, using only "labels" that boost and
confirm the best of what we have to offer. Consider these labels, and apply
them to yourself: "Professional", "Expert", "Conscientious", "Dedicated",
"Exacting". In short, don't label yourself, me or others on the list with
anything that you wouldn't put on your business card or in a resúme. If
we're going to use labels, let's use the best. If you need a short, generic
label that is non-derogatory, try "Tech".
	I may be a log-haired freak, but I'm no damn Hippie....



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