The Belize modules story [RE-wrenches]
Travis Creswell, Ozark Solar
ozsolar at
Mon Jan 8 05:39:48 PST 2001
Welcome Aboard Doug!
Travis Creswell
Ozark Solar
----- Original Message -----
From: Doug Pratt <dpratt at>
To: RE-wrenches <RE-wrenches at>
Sent: Sunday, January 07, 2001 11:35 PM
Subject: The Belize modules story [RE-wrenches]
> Hi Folks,
> This is Doug Pratt, I'm on the list now (and a tip of the hat to those
> who supported me). Let me start right off by saying I'm not here to
> defend, or take responsibility for Real Goods corporate actions. I only
> happen to work there, and disagree regularly with RG management (the
> wonder is that they still want me). I've also got a thick skin, and a
> better than average sense of humor.
> As my first contribution, here's the Belize modules story:
- - - - - - -
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