E-Frig's [RE-wrenches]
sunwise at cheqnet.net
sunwise at cheqnet.net
Tue Feb 13 21:22:45 PST 2001
Wrenches?, or Marketing??
Lots of discussion about who has the best frig and all. Also some
recent discussion about environmentally friendly PV manufacturers. I
had to note an article in today's "The Nation" magazine's web page
(www.thenation.com). They report on the human rights, environmental and
economic legacy of a specific General Electric refrigeration
manufacturing facility. If you chose not to review the article, I'll
offer some perspective by saying that I doubt that Sunfrost builds their
frig's on the backs of $2/hr Mexican wages. I'll sell Sunfrosts to all
my clients who can afford them, unfortunately I haven't sold many
Sunfrosts. I live up Nort.
Kurt Nelson
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