PV certification [RE-wrenches]
Allan Sindelar, Positive Energy, Inc.
allan at positivenergy.com
Sat Feb 10 20:50:04 PST 2001
Mark Fitzgerald has been working for some years on a PV certification
program through the Institute for Sustainable Power, Inc. (ISP). I don't
know the details, but info is available at www.ispq.org. Below are excerpts
from our recent correspondence. I'm posting this to encourage all of us to
support certification as a way to develop the professionalism that we are
all trying to achieve for our industry.
Allan at Positive Energy
I've been working on a global practitioners certification program for more
than 5 years now (mostly overseas), and the US work is only now getting
started. We've got the grid-tied exam and qualifications ready to go, and
we'll have the stand-alone certification ready soon. We're doing it under
the new North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners, and there
will be a number of meetings in April, at the Washington meeting of
ASES/SEIA/etc. We're also going to try to hit the regional energy fairs to
get the word out.
Best regards, Mark
You might consider a cooperative effort with IPP. I think that the wrenches
work, which is under IPP's auspices, is quite powerful, and is seen/read by
far more people in the industry than post to it.
Thanks. Any opportunity to get the word out is a good one. Perhaps we should
invite someone from the IPP to serve on the Advisory Board of the new North
American Board for Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP). The broader the
input, the better the product. We need to come together as an industry to
agree on the knowledge and skills competencies necessary to certify that
people know how to safely, properly, and reliably design, install, and
maintain systems. Our reputation as an industry depends on it.
Please use whatever words you think will be the most effective and useful.
Mark Fitzgerald
markfitz at ispq.org
P.O. Box 260145
Highlands Ranch, CO 80163-0145 USA
tel: 303-683-4748
fax: 303-470-8239
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