The Big Wrench [RE-wrenches]

Jim Hartley grail at
Fri Jan 19 06:37:58 PST 2001

Pursuant to my various notions about a Master Wrench WebPage, I have a 
few more notions to air.  First, somewhat akin to the growing Trace wish 
list, I'm curious to know if this general idea I had is of interest here 
and what do you think should be included, topically speaking?  I have 
asked Irina Stepanova if she'd be interested in working up a starter 
webpage graphics linkware set to get things going.  Knowing Irina, I 
think she will be excited about something like this and would do this on 
her own willingly.  However, the concept still requires an informational 
content plan [i.e., category link titles and so forth].  I've also led 
her to the readers page URL so she can listen in on whatever people 
suggest as to subject categories.  She also has the URL for the proposed 
Wrench logo.  So, if you have ideas about how this document might be set 
up initially, perhaps you might note these so she has a better idea of 
how to construct the site map.  Also, we would need a name for the 

Where this document gets hosted and who maintains it should it come to 
fruition, I don't know.  That would be up to all you folks.  Maybe it's 
not something whose time has come but just working up the concept can't 
be such a bad idea and it costs us nothing to investigate conceptual 
possibilities.  Your thoughts would be appreciated.  

Jim Hartley
Business Email: JamesHartley at
Direct Email: grail at

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