bad solarex [RE-wrenches]

Smitty smitty at
Wed Jan 17 09:41:03 PST 2001

In about 1994, we were solicited by a natural gas company in the 4
corners region to bid on a quantity of used Solarex panels they had. I
traveled to their corporate offices in Farmington NM to inspect the
loot. What I found was a giant pile of panels ranging from MSX18 to
MSX60 all with Solarex pole mount hardware on them. It literally looked
like they had been delivered by a giant dump truck. The pile was taller
than I was, 20' long and 10' wide. Units all tangled up with each other,
some broken. They only looked about 5 years old, and I inquired as to
why they were getting rid of them. They were tight lipped, but a flunky
said they were used to operate pipe line telemetry, and were being
replaced. hmmm. It was impossible to test this mess, so we low balled
the bid, and, as it turns out, we were the only ones to bid on it.
WooHoo. Some were off spec, Some didn't work. We sold them real cheap,
as is, to various granolas, street urchins, desert rats and other
toothless wonders that come walking in here. I've always wondered what
the whole story was here. Here's a clue. Guess the name of the gas
company.                                                  It's Amaco.

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