comments to TRACE [RE-wrenches]

Todd Cory, Bald Mt. Solar toddcory at
Sun Jul 9 19:42:06 PDT 2000

Does anyone know an e-mail address for someone at Trace Engineering that
will actually read it to suggest (again) a "silent sell" mode be offered
in a future software upgrade?

I am after a mode that will put the inverter into the "silent" mode
1) The grid is active and running house loads &
2) The RE sources are inactive (night time, no wind)

When the grid goes down, it would turn itself onto the "inverter" mode
for back up or
When the RE sources are producing it would turn itself onto the "sell"

I don't understand why this is not currently offered. Being forced to
run the damn thing at night just wastes power and for those of us using
RE, efficiency is the name of the game. I would think Trace would have
understood that by now. I was promised this feature 5 years ago... and
am still waiting. Can anyone see why this would not be a possible
operational scenario?

Thanks in advance for the address of the anxious to serve Trace customer
service representative.

Todd Cory
toddcory at
Bald Mountain Solar
P.O. Box 689
Mt. Shasta, Ca. 96067
(530) 926-1079

A loving heart is the truest wisdom.

  - Charles Dickens, 1812-1870

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